Arkadiusz & Artur & Kanalia

Artur & Kanalia

You can say that my adventure with dogs lasts my whole life, but pit bulls are the breed that contributed to the creation of my passion. I became interested in dog sports about 4 years ago. Initially, I focused on jumping competitions, such as wall climbing or long jump. It gave me a lot of fun, but in the end I focused on one discipline – weight pulling. For me, it’s not only a sport, but also the perfect opportunity to bond with my dogs and understand their individual needs. This is a discipline that cannot be learned in theory, because each dog requires a different approach. Everything I learned I learned through trial and error, often going back to rethink how I should work with my dogs.

Weight pulling is a continuous work not only on the dog’s strength, but also on his psyche and self-confidence. Having already quite a lot of knowledge on this subject, I decided to open myself to helping other enthusiasts of this discipline. I have my own site where I train with my dogs and help people interested in learning about this sport. Training dogs and their handlers gives me great satisfaction. I like to watch how the bond develops between them, which contributes to work on the track.

You can say that my adventure with dogs lasts a lifetime,
but pit bulls are the breed that contributed to my passion.

On a daily basis, I mainly work with two dogs – Kanalia and Artur. Hours devoted to training resulted in Kanalia winning the Polish and European Championships in the European Pulling Federation this year and several first places in competitions organized by ADBA. Artur is still a young dog, but I see potential and a huge heart for work in him. He managed to win the vice-championship of Poland and placed 4th at the EPF European Championships and many places on the podium at ADBA competitions.